Ne yazmak istediğimi geç ne yapmak istiyorum hiçbir fikrim yok . Beklentilerin artarak geldiği şu günde bile yeniden kalkıp silkelenmek için bi istek yok içimde. İnsanların üstümdeki emeklerini inkar etmek değil bu kesinlikle ama beklenti oluşturmamak için elimden geleni de yapmadığımı düşünyorum . bi ara baya hevesli heyecanlı istekli biriyken simdi baskası için yaşamak daha kolay geliyor. Kolaya kaçıyorum sanırım.
Get up , stand up , dont give up the fight. yo yo
23 Ekim 2014 Perşembe
16 Ocak 2014 Perşembe
Evren, Entropi ve Düzensizlik
Telefonunuz, masanın üzerinde duruyor. Ne var bunda? Vardır bir şeyler. Olmasa bile telefonun aslında hangi boyutta var olduğunu tartışmak gibi bir amacınız olabilir. Ama bunu yapmayacağız. Öncelikle, telefonunuz durmuyor. Klasik tabiriyle, milyarlarca atomun yarattığı bir sinerji var masanızın üzerinde. Bu atomları bir arada tutan enerji, Evren'in ''düzensiz olma direnci''ne karşı koymakta ve o atomları bir arada tutmaktadır. Bir balonun içindeki hava molekülleri, neden balonun içini -ekonomik- bir şekilde, eşit dağılarak doldurur? Peki bir sıvı neden sadece balonun yere en yakın yerinde toplanır?
Devamı için tıklayınız
Antik ‘Diyabet Geni’
Latin Amerika’da yapılan çalışmalarda şeker hastalığı riski oluşturan bir gen çeşidinin, Neandertallerin -modern insanın yakın akrabasının- bize aktardığı bir miras olduğu ortaya çıktı.
Afrika’yı terk eden modern insan ırkı 60-70 bin yıl sonra Neandertal ırkı ile karşılaştı ve bu melezleşme sonucu Neandertal genlerinin tüm Afrika kökenli olmayanların genom haritasına karıştığı düşünülüyor.
Nature dergisinin yayımladığı araştırmaya göre 8 binden fazla Latin Amerikalı üzerinde gen analizi yapıldı. Bu analiz sonucunda ortak özellikler taşıyan bir gene rastlandı.
The Walking Dead: Season Two (All That Remains) (PC) (İnceleme)
Çaresiz kalmak nedir bilir misiniz? Bir sınavdan kötü not almak, sınıfta kalmak, aileniz ile kavga etmek veya buna benzer konularda çaresiz kalmaktan bahsetmiyorum. Tamamen sıfır noktasında, yapayalnız, yaşamın o kimsesiz kıyısında yalnız başınıza kalmak.
Gerçek çaresizlik ilginç bir şeydir aslında, her şeyi geride bırakmak, bir zamanlar bütün önem verdiğiniz şeyleri, bütün sevdiklerinizi, geçmişte bildiklerinizi ve geleceğinizi. Geri dönmemek üzere, bilinmeyen bir boşluğa doğru yürümek, yürümek, yürümek...
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Who Was Tolkien?
by David Doughan
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) was a major scholar of the English language, specialising in Old and Middle English. Twice Professor of Anglo-Saxon (Old English) at the University of Oxford, he also wrote a number of stories, including most famously The Hobbit (1937) and The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955), which are set in a pre-historic era in an invented version of the world which he called by the Middle English name of Middle-earth. This was peopled by Men (and women), Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, Orcs (or Goblins) and of course Hobbits. He has regularly been condemned by the Eng.Lit. establishment, with honourable exceptions, but loved by literally millions of readers worldwide.
In the 1960s he was taken up by many members of the nascent "counter-culture" largely because of his concern with environmental issues. In 1997 he came top of three British polls, organised respectively by Channel 4 / Waterstone's, the Folio Society, and SFX, the UK's leading science fiction media magazine, amongst discerning readers asked to vote for the greatest book of the 20th century. Please note also that his name is spelt Tolkien (there is no "Tolkein").
J. R. R. Tolkien: A Biographical Sketch
1. Childhood And Youth
The name "Tolkien" (pron.: Tol-keen; equal stress on both syllables) is believed to be of German origin; Toll-kühn: foolishly brave, or stupidly clever - hence the pseudonym "Oxymore" which he occasionally used. His father's side of the family appears to have migrated from Saxony in the 18th century, but over the century and a half before his birth had become thoroughly Anglicised. Certainly his father, Arthur Reuel Tolkien, considered himself nothing if not English. Arthur was a bank clerk, and went to South Africa in the 1890s for better prospects of promotion. There he was joined by his bride, Mabel Suffield, whose family were not only English through and through, but West Midlands since time immemorial. So John Ronald ("Ronald" to family and early friends) was born in Bloemfontein, S.A., on 3 January 1892. His memories of Africa were slight but vivid, including a scary encounter with a large hairy spider, and influenced his later writing to some extent; slight, because on 15 February 1896 his father died, and he, his mother and his younger brother Hilary returned to England - or more particularly, the West Midlands.
The West Midlands in Tolkien's childhood were a complex mixture of the grimly industrial Birmingham conurbation, and the quintessentially rural stereotype of England, Worcestershire and surrounding areas: Severn country, the land of the composers Elgar, Vaughan Williams and Gurney, and more distantly the poet A. E. Housman (it is also just across the border from Wales). Tolkien's life was split between these two: the then very rural hamlet of Sarehole, with its mill, just south of Birmingham; and darkly urban Birmingham itself, where he was eventually sent to King Edward's School. By then the family had moved to King's Heath, where the house backed onto a railway line - young Ronald's developing linguistic imagination was engaged by the sight of coal trucks going to and from South Wales bearing destinations like" Nantyglo"," Penrhiwceiber" and "Senghenydd".
Then they moved to the somewhat more pleasant Birmingham suburb of Edgbaston. However, in the meantime, something of profound significance had occurred, which estranged Mabel and her children from both sides of the family: in 1900, together with her sister May, she was received into the Roman Catholic Church. From then on, both Ronald and Hilary were brought up in the faith of Pio Nono, and remained devout Catholics throughout their lives. The parish priest who visited the family regularly was the half-Spanish half-Welsh Father Francis Morgan.
Tolkien family life was generally lived on the genteel side of poverty. However, the situation worsened in 1904, when Mabel Tolkien was diagnosed as having diabetes, usually fatal in those pre-insulin days. She died on 14 November of that year leaving the two orphaned boys effectively destitute. At this point Father Francis took over, and made sure of the boys' material as well as spiritual welfare, although in the short term they were boarded with an unsympathetic aunt-by-marriage, Beatrice Suffield, and then with a Mrs Faulkner.
By this time Ronald was already showing remarkable linguistic gifts. He had mastered the Latin and Greek which was the staple fare of an arts education at that time, and was becoming more than competent in a number of other languages, both modern and ancient, notably Gothic, and later Finnish. He was already busy making up his own languages, purely for fun. He had also made a number of close friends at King Edward's; in his later years at school they met regularly after hours as the "T. C. B. S." (Tea Club, Barrovian Society, named after their meeting place at the Barrow Stores) and they continued to correspond closely and exchange and criticise each other's literary work until 1916.
However, another complication had arisen. Amongst the lodgers at Mrs Faulkner's boarding house was a young woman called Edith Bratt. When Ronald was 16, and she 19, they struck up a friendship, which gradually deepened. Eventually Father Francis took a hand, and forbade Ronald to see or even correspond with Edith for three years, until he was 21. Ronald stoically obeyed this injunction to the letter. He went up to Exeter College, Oxford in 1911, where he stayed, immersing himself in the Classics, Old English, the Germanic languages (especially Gothic), Welsh and Finnish, until 1913, when he swiftly though not without difficulty picked up the threads of his relationship with Edith. He then obtained a disappointing second class degree in Honour Moderations, the "midway" stage of a 4-year Oxford "Greats" (i.e. Classics) course, although with an "alpha plus" in philology. As a result of this he changed his school from Classics to the more congenial English Language and Literature. One of the poems he discovered in the course of his Old English studies was theCrist of Cynewulf - he was amazed especially by the cryptic couplet:
Eálá Earendel engla beorhtast
Ofer middangeard monnum sended
Hail Earendel brightest of angels, over Middle Earth sent to men. ("Middangeard" was a ancient expression for the everyday world between Heaven above and Hell below.)
This inspired some of his very early and inchoate attempts at realising a world of ancient beauty in his versifying.
In the summer of 1913 he took a job as tutor and escort to two Mexican boys in Dinard, France, a job which ended in tragedy. Though no fault of Ronald's, it did nothing to counter his apparent predisposition against France and things French.
Meanwhile the relationship with Edith was going more smoothly. She converted to Catholicism and moved to Warwick, which with its spectacular castle and beautiful surrounding countryside made a great impression on Ronald. However, as the pair were becoming ever closer, the nations were striving ever more furiously together, and war eventually broke out in August 1914.
2. War, Lost Tales And Academia
Unlike so many of his contemporaries, Tolkien did not rush to join up immediately on the outbreak of war, but returned to Oxford, where he worked hard and finally achieved a first-class degree in June 1915. At this time he was also working on various poetic attempts, and on his invented languages, especially one that he came to call Qenya [sic], which was heavily influenced by Finnish - but he still felt the lack of a connecting thread to bring his vivid but disparate imaginings together. Tolkien finally enlisted as a second lieutenant in the Lancashire Fusiliers whilst working on ideas of Earendel [sic] the Mariner, who became a star, and his journeyings. For many months Tolkien was kept in boring suspense in England, mainly in Staffordshire. Finally it appeared that he must soon embark for France, and he and Edith married in Warwick on 22 March 1916.
Eventually he was indeed sent to active duty on the Western Front, just in time for the Somme offensive. After four months in and out of the trenches, he succumbed to "trench fever", a form of typhus-like infection common in the insanitary conditions, and in early November was sent back to England, where he spent the next month in hospital in Birmingham. By Christmas he had recovered sufficiently to stay with Edith at Great Haywood in Staffordshire...
Roger Federer Avustralya Açık'ta üçüncü tura yükseldi
Roger Federer, ikinci tur maçında Blaz Kavcic’i 6-2/6-1/7-6’lık setlerle devirip rahat bir şekilde turladı.

Avustralya Açık’ın 6 numaralı seribaşı ismi Roger Federer, ikinci turda Sloven raket Blaz Kavcic ile karşılaştı.
27 dakika süren ilk sette rakibinin iki servisini kıran Ekselansları, 6-2’lik üstünlük sağladı...
Formula 1'in patronuna rüşvet suçlaması! 10 yıl hapsi isteniyor
Münih Yerel Mahkemesi’nin sözcüsü, Formula 1 patronu yolsuzluk ve rüşvet suçlamasıyla Almanya’da yargılanacağını açıkladı.
Bu dava Temmuz ayında açılmış ancak Bernie Ecclestone’ın yargılanıp yargılanmayacağı belirsizliği netleşmemişti..
8 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba
Ten Pick of This Week
The Last Shadow Of Puppets-Black Plant
10000 Maniacs-Because The Night
Avenged Sevenfold-Welcome to the Family
Guns'n Roses-Welcome to the Jungle
Chromeo-Night by Night
The Count of Tuscany
Cem Köksal-Awakened One
Cee Lo Green-I Can't Go For That
Gnarls Barkley-Crazy
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky, born Avram Noam Chomsky in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 7 December 1928, is an influential linguist, professor, author, and activist. He was Institute Professor as well as Professor of Linguistics at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Chomsky has lectured and resided at many universities worldwide.
Chomsky earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as a PhD in linguistics. He has authored dozens of books since 1955. Some of his best known include The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, Language and Mind, and American Power and the New Mandarins. Imperial Ambitions and Failed States were published in 2006.
His approach to linguistics stems from rationalist philosophy, which holds that the mind is not a blank slate at birth, dependent on experience and learning, but rather is pre-equipped with knowledge universal to human nature. Chomsky believes that all languages — and there are more than 5,000 — contain core similarities in grammar structure that humans inherently understand from birth. The languages people are exposed to at an early age make no difference.
This concept is called transformational generative grammar. Chomsky stresses that it is the universal unconscious aspects of language that allow individuals to create original grammatic sentences. This approach sees linguistics as not merely connected to psychology, but as a definite component of psychology.
According to Chomsky, humans are innately prepared to be immune to tolerate unreasonable political environments. He contends that we are free agents up to a point, because we are very much limited by protective cognitive structures present from birth. He was an anti-war activist in the 1960s and has continued to be a critic of American foreign policy and the United States' participation in war. Many of his writings are political and speak of the need for strong social change in our world..
For People Who Sayin' "What the hell is Woodstock?!"
In August 1969, the Woodstock Music & Art Fair took place on a dairy farm in Bethel, NY. Over half a million people came to a 600-acre farm t
o hear 32 acts (leading and emerging performers of the time) play over the course of four days (August 15-18). Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, the Grateful Dead, the Who, Janis Joplin and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young were among the line-up. Woodstock is known as one of the greatest happenings of all time and –perhaps- the most pivotal moment in music history.

Joni Mitchell said, "Woodstock was a spark of beauty" where half-a-million kids "saw that they were part of a greater organism...
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